Sunday, March 16, 2014

So I am back to Xubuntu - On a laptop!

Okay everyone. My posts for Xubuntu are sporadic. However, every once in a while I have a realization concerning this free linux operating system. The main realization this time is that a single version of linux does not fit every computer. For some reason, some laptops or towers simply do not "play" well with some flavors of linux.

For example, I bought a laptop without a screen (I would suggest this to anyone who wishes to save some money in replacing a tower machine.) which was a 64bit Compaq , and tried to install Kubuntu (64bit). "Heresy", some may say, but it was a wonderful gift to me and I had to give it a fun try. Need less to say, there were issues between the machine and the Kubuntu which would not straighten out. So, what did I try? The tried and true Xubuntu, and the Xubuntu did not disappoint. It ran, and is, running perfectly - Youtube videos check, Skype check, even Warzone 2100 check.

This is an off point, but why did I go to Xubuntu, or linux, when I could have easily had Windows 7 installed on the hard drive? Mainly, I have gotten completely tired of the malware and adware showing up on the Windows 7 internet browsers (Chrome and Mozilla). However, how much malware and adware have I encountered on Xubuntu? The answer is zero, and this answer makes for an extremely pleasant experience. So, what if I cannot watch Amazon Prime videos because of Digital Rights Management (DRM) procedures, I am still able to watch Youtube, Crackle, Hulu and my own content. I have simply resigned myself to the idea that I may have to buy a Roku or a similar device for such streaming content, and that is not such a horrible idea.

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